
Crises cost time, money, customers and careers (generally in that order); and, in the worst of scenarios, lives. Whether a data breach, social media attack, bad press, litigation, investigation, civil unrest or scandal, great leaders understand how to be predictive and create organizational muscle memory. Within these workshops, Rob discusses and analyzes key concepts and relevant case studies, some contained in The Art of Crisis Leadership (Weinhold & Cowherd, 2016), an Amazon #1 ranked book in PR and Crisis Management, and a top 100 in Leadership.

This training module covers the following topics:

According to research, nearly 70 percent of crises are smoldering issues before they become an actual full-blown crisis. It is important to perform a crisis assessment within your organization, so you minimize your reputational risk; it’s not if, but when crisis strikes. Remember, anyone with an internet connection and a recording device can wreak havoc on your individual or organizational brand; everyone is a “journalist” in today’s world of digitization. Are you ready to tell your story? Because if you don’t tell your story, someone else will. And, when someone else tells your story, it certainly won’t be the story you want told – our Fallston Group mantra.

All workshops are tailored to the unique needs of each client.

Anyone can lead during wonderful times when cultures are thriving and the sun is shining. But, when we think about Michigan State, Penn State, Chipotle, the NFL, Tiger Woods, Toyota, Martha Stewart, Goldman Sachs, B.P., Ray Rice, Lance Armstrong and many others, true leaders emerge lead when the chips are down, and their personal or professional reputation is on the line. Reputation equals valuation; learn the secrets and tools within this workshop to not just survive but thrive during crisis.

Rob and his experienced team works with clients who speak to the news media, publicly to large groups, or within more intimate, team-based settings. His media/presentation coaching sessions directly improve messaging and presentation skills, whether educating, informing or persuading an audience. Our training focuses on fact gathering, analysis, message development, preparation, message delivery, facial and body language, visual aid use, management of difficult questions, formulation of impactful answers and effective follow-up. Coaching for strategic message delivery is a highly interactive and personalized process. We videotape/record and analyze sessions so participants can see and understand their strengths and opportunities as they work to master the art of effective communications.

Workshops are tailored to client need and provide constructive feedback — successes and lessons learned — to accelerate growth and opportunity. The core objectives of our media coaching program include:

Create a firm progression schedule for clients to allow for accelerated growth.

Speaking Engagements

This engaging keynote will provide the audience with the tools to be incredibly resilient in the face of adversity. Audience members will learn how to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat!

Media Appearances

Since his days as the Baltimore Police Department’s chief spokesperson in the 90’s, Rob has conducted thousands upon thousands of on-camera media interviews.


Including Crisis Leadership and Media Relations, all workshops are tailored to the unique needs of each client.

Book Rob Today

To learn more about what Rob Weinhold can do for you or your business, feel free to reach out and learn more from Rob!

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